10 facts you should know about IT security

  • 29.09.2017
  • 7 min. read

Even nowadays, in the times full of digital traps, there are still companies that  ignore IT security. Don’t be one of them and at least, learn the basic facts about your online security.

Our own research in which we addressed dozens of Slovak and Czech companies has confirmed insufficient knowledge in the field of IT security. Negative attitude of companies to their online security is also confirmed by trends in the US and Europe stemming from the RiskIQ survey. That’s also why we’ve written down 10 basic IT security facts you should know.

Half of local businesses do not address IT security

Our survey, which was conducted in December 2016, shows that up to 48% of Czech and Slovak companies aren’t concerned about their IT security at all. Up to 49% of the addressed companies are afraid of bad hackers attacking their online application or site.

The web or online application is your biggest weakness

Numbers do not lie – up to 70% of security incidents are caused by errors originating from the online world. Up to 60% of all cyber attacks are directly related to mobile devices. As problematic, we can see mainly their use inside the corporate infrastructure without complying with any safety rules.

Internet browsers are the most common targets of malware and ransomware

Respondents in an international survey have confirmed that malware and ransomware affect up to 44% of their Internet browsers. The most common reason for the attack is browsing of non-secure sites that contain malicious code.

Phishing is a real threat

In 2017, up to 42% of all companies became victims of phishing. Suspicious links in emails pointing to fake websites and forms has been its most common source.

Get ready to invest

The global trend suggests that in 2017, 58% of companies will invest in online security by 15% to 25% more funds. So far, they have invested 5% of their IT budget on average. By contrast, up to 27% local companies justify a lack of security testing with a lack of finance. They should learn that the amount of compensation for damage after a cyber attack on a small or medium sized company amounts to an average of up to € 86,000.

Most cyber threats come from outside

Up to 75% of all last year’s cyber attacks came from the outside of the company. It is important to realize that the remaining 25% of the attacks were caused by negligence by the employees themselves. Think about setting up strict security rules with contractual financial responsibility. And do not forget about online security education for you and your employees.

Only 51% of companies protect their projects

More precisely, they would just want to. In case of an unlimited budget, 80% of companies would focus on protecting their customers ‘or partners’ sensitive data and protecting financial or accounting information. In half of cases, the safety of their own projects is not considered to be important, which is alarming. They would also protect all their data in order to avoid, among other things, the high fines imposed by the new safety directives of GDPR.

Less than half of companies know who is an ethical hacker

The word “hacker” is associated with a negative opinion for 67% of the questioned, and 83% of companies think the hacker wants to hurt them or steal something in some way. Only 44% of them are aware of ethical hackers and know that they can help them considerably in the fight against cybercriminals.

Up to 44% of local companies have an experience with hacking attack

Do you think that your web or online application aren’t interesting enough for black-hat hackers (called also crackers)? You’re wrong! Almost half of small and medium-sized businesses have already been the target, directly or indirectly, of online criminals attack. If you handle sensitive data, it’s just a matter of time when they attack you as well. Are you prepared for that?

Hire white-hat hackers and save

Up to 64% of respondents think the security audit is sufficient for  their IT security. This is a one-time security test that needs to be repeated when updating the site or adding new options to your online system. The most effective form of testing is continual bug bounty programs, which include the work of ethical hackers. In many cases, they are even more cost-effective than hiring a separate IT expert.

Would you like to read more interesting information about online security and bug bounty programs? Do not hesitate to contact us.


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